Parent Involvement Plan
West Edgecombe Middle School
Parent Involvement Plan
Statement of Belief and Purpose
The administration, staff and parents of West Edgecombe Middle School believe that the improved academic achievement of each student is a responsibility shared by the entire school community, including the school district, school, community members, school administration, staff and students and parents. Parents are their child’s first and primary teacher and therefore an important and integral part of the instructional process. In an effort to make parents partners in the education of their children, West Edgecombe Middle School will:
Host an annual Title I meeting to share with parents the Title I plan and its requirements, to discuss curriculum, as well as, assessments that will be used to measure student progress and the standards that students are expected to meet through the NC Common Core State Standards.
Written communication regarding school events will be provided to parents.
Connect-Ed calls, a web based phone tree communication tool, will be used to communicate important information to parents.
A weekly parent/community newsletter will be sent out
Remind text messages will be sent at least weekly with important messages for parents and students to keep them informed and in-the-know
School website is updated with important information
School Improvement Team meetings will be held monthly and two parent representatives will be encouraged to attend.
Parent/Student/Teacher compacts will be signed at the beginning of the year to create a home/school partnership.
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) advisory council will meet quarterly, or as directed by the PTO president.
Host parent teacher conferences and/or report card pickup events at least twice a year. (Fall/Spring)
Host Honor Roll Award Celebration(s) to celebrate student success